The highs were high this week. The lows were low this week.
Highs: Spending the weekend in Nevada City with a dear friend to re-group, re-focus, re-energize. Celebrating Biden and Harris win (to see how happy I was-scroll down). Snuggling with the boys. Bringing fresh-baked bread to a friend who had a rough day. Cycling on the trainer. Hiking Meyer's Grade x 2.

Lows: Big, sad decision made to stay home over thanksgiving week. The risks of "the COV" just outweigh the benefits, at this point.
Challah: Za'atar and Sun-dried tomato. I wish you could all come over and enjoy it. I grabbed the za-atar, middle eastern spice blend, in the Arab quarter of the Old City on a beautiful summer day.

I have this dream of bringing back big, Shabbat dinners. Where everyone is welcome. I make the challah. Everyone else brings something to share. We enjoy wonderful food, company, chatting about all the things that matter. Maybe some Shabbat songs. One day....
This week's shabbat plans: Watching UW-Madison Badgers play football. More cycling on the trainer. More hiking Meyer's Grade. Putting up a ceiling fan (Evon). Doing something with apples and sourdough starter. Drinking delicious coffee. Fingers crossed....maybe grabbing a glass of wine with one of my childhood friends (over ZOOM).
That's how we roll at the rabbi's house.
Sending lots of love and light to everyone. Hopefully you had more highs than lows this week.
I really hope that challah lasts until Shabbat (Virtual) services! You mentioned re-group, re-focus, and re-energize. I am currently part of national work-group imagining scenarios for Jewish life during and post the "Cov" as you call it. One thing we discussed this week is utilizing "Cov" time for experimenting, re-imagining and re-creating the way we life and do Jewish life and community. That will prepare us to come to the other side with some great learning! Thanks for bringing the value of Shabbat to this space!