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Shabbat Sha-what?!?! #1


(Post when the rabbi's wife drops the F-bomb when talking about celebrating Shabbat)

Today I want to write about Shabbat. And I want to write about it every week.....We will see if that actually happens. My blog posts will NEVER proselytize, but I want to share how we celebrate Shabbat in our home. And a bit about our family's role and traditions, with Evon being a rabbi in a small town at two congregations and a virtual community.

Shabbat is the "day of rest" in Judaism. It comes every week. Some weeks I feel like our family needs it more than others. Shabbat starts on Friday night and ends on Saturday night. Jewish families throughout the world have LOTS of different ways of celebrating this day. Maybe keeping it traditional (doing absolutely NO work-not even tearing toilet paper when needed or turning on lights) to less traditional (just taking notice of the day or not using social media platforms).

This week seems like Shabbat can't come soon enough. The election, digital school, work deadlines, in-person school, weather changing, etc......How is it only November 6th?

So back to our family traditions.....Our family enjoys different versions of celebrating every week. Evon usually leads ZOOM prayer services, while I am trying to corral children (usually naked watching iPads) out of his screen background. Some weeks we spend Shabbat seeking out adventurous outings. Sometimes Evon and I sneak in a "day" date when our best friend/babysitter hangs with our boys. I try to make challah. We try to light the Shabbat candles. And we just enjoy being together.

This week I am taking a Shabbat for me. I'm leaving town to actively find some peace and wholeness outside my comfort zone. As I write this, I feel incredibly guilty for leaving home and family (don't worry-I will try to fold all the laundry, grab a birthday gift for a kiddo's bday party this weekend, write this blog post, document on a few clients before I leave). And don't worry....I'll get over the guilty feeling.

But this Shabbat I'm also feeling liberated, because I know it's needed and it's totally okay for me to do whatever the f*** I want.

What are your unique family traditions? Do you have any rituals that help you feel liberated?


2 comentarios

Evon Yakar
06 nov 2020

Have a great Shabbat! We love you, we will miss you AND we are so glad you're enjoying yourself!!!

Me gusta

06 nov 2020

Love this post! Have a wonderful Shabbat. Enjoy a much needed quiet time!

Me gusta
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