Our Occupational Therapy Services for Families

Based on your individual needs we create a plan that works best for you and your family. We start with a 20-minute complimentary consultation to decide the best way to provide services and to make sure that the plan of action works for you and your family. Then we set up meetings that are comfortable for you using HIPAA compliant telehealth platforms until it is safer to meet in person.
As this COVID-19 pandemic is hitting everyone especially hard, I have decided to drop my prices considerably. The services are very worthwhile to create sustainable lifestyle changes in people's lives.
Our Occupational Therapy Services
Occupational Therapy Pricing and Packages
Individual coaching and consulting sessions: Start at $125.00/hr.
1:1 Pediatric OT sessions: Start at $150.00/hr.
Small-Group "Mindful Movement" Kids Class (2-4 kids of similar ages): $45/hr/kid.
1 month "Life Kickstarter" package: $299.00 (up to 4 weekly, 60-minute sessions and ongoing communication between sessions).
3 month "Life Solutions" package: $799.00 (up to 12 weekly, 60-minute sessions and ongoing communication between sessions).